Procedure and Policies
Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
The institution had laid out standard policies and procedures for maintain and utilizing the various supporting facilities in the college premises. The institution ensures optimal allocation and utilization of the available financial resources for maintaining various facilities by conducting regular meetings of various committees constituted for this purpose and for utilizing the grants received by the college as per the requirement in the interest of students. The Principal and concerning committee invite the quotations for purchasing of laboratory / library / sports / office requirements and finalized.
- The requirements of laboratory instruments, materials and equipments are taken from the head of the concerned department.
- The lab assistant and other supportive staffs maintain the record of instruments and equipments and it is supervised by head of concerned department.
- The calibration, repairing and maintenance of the lab instruments are done on time to time by technicians of related enterprises service care.
- The instruments and equipments are annually cleaned by the concerning staff members and its record is maintained by laboratory technicians and supervised by head of the particular department.
- Stock books entries are updated annually at the end of the session.
- The requirements of the books are taken from the head of the every department.
- The institution has formed the Library Advisory Committee to review the needs of the library and the committee visits periodically and maintain the record.
- The library has special reading rooms for teachers, boys and girls whereas boys reading room made available for 24 hours.
- To ensure return of books ‘no dues’ from the library is made mandatory for students at the time of clearance.
- Internet facility is made available to the teachers and students.
- The college library has Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) facility.
- The proper account of visitors (students and staff) on daily basis is maintained by library members.
Sports Facilities:
- The institution is providing several opportunities to the students for comprehensive personality development sports facilities are among them.
- The institution has its own sports ground and its cleanliness is maintained regularly with the help of the ground staff.
- Students get an opportunity to participate at university, state and national level games.
- The indoor games Tennis Table and Snooker Table are available in the college.
- Gymnasium facility is made available for boys and account of users is maintained.
Computers are mentioned through Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) by the college staff and non-usable systems are disposed off. Software and Hardware are reviewed and upgraded periodically as per the requirement. The ICT smart class rooms are made available in the college and its related systems are maintained with AMC of the corresponding service provider.
The college has its own websites and is maintained and updated regularly by AMC with the help of the web designers. The AMC of CMS software is adopted from Master Software Agency, Nagpur.
Students are motivated for cleanliness and energy conservation by needful use of electricity in classrooms. The cleaning and maintenance of the classroom and the laboratories are done by contract basis employees.
There are technicians, masons, plumbers, carpenters are deputed by management to ensure the maintenance of classrooms and related physical infrastructure.
However the entire college campus is well equipped and well maintained. The head of the each department submit their requirements to the Principal regarding classroom maintenance such as furniture, blackboard, electricity and others. The college development fund is utilized for maintenance and minor repair of furniture and other electrical equipment.